Track Record Of Lower Taxes
The costs for our services continue to climb – this year the town budget was over $6 million for the first time in Haddon Heights history. Outrageous spending has required repeated tax hikes. In the last three years under Democrat control, your taxes have gone up 9%. These high taxes make the town less attractive to potential new residents and make it hard for many of our residents to justify staying in town. We can’t let tax increases go unchecked and we won’t. Consider voting for these Republican Candidates independent of outside influences with a history of lower municipal taxes and a track record of balanced budgets and eliminating wasteful spending.
Municipal Taxes Year-Over-Year
Democrat Irresponsibility
Under Democrat control, Borough municipal taxes have increased as high as 13.3%, while under Republican control, taxes were cut as low as 6%.
Republicans implemented Zero-Based Budgeting in 2009 after years of irresponsible Democrat oversight. Every expense of the budget is now reviewed and analyzed regularly for its purpose and costs to optimize spending and identify savings.
Town Spending And Public Works A Missed Opportunity
We were told that sharing public works would save us money, and it made sense: we’re splitting costs, so expenses should go down. But that’s not what happened. The shared services program has increased the cost of our public works by 41%. And why? A line in the budget: “Public Works Interlocal: $844,000.” That’s right, we paid almost $850,000 to shut down our own facilities and eliminate jobs. There’s no excuse for that. Take this into consideration when you vote this year for council candidates.
Elect Republicans November
We believe that our combined experience, expertise, knowledge, and skills will provide the leadership to improve services, enhance safety, respond better to resident concerns, communicate more efficiently, build consensus and prompt government officials to streamline how they do their jobs and the way that our Borough is managed and functions.